* I hate to say it, but there seems to have been some sort of dumbing down as far as movies go. (to lower the level of difficulty and the intellectual content of (as a textbook); also :  to lower the general level of intelligence in <the dumbing down of society>

* If I were to adopt pure mechanism as a philosophy, there would be no way I could choose to be a scholar.

* Thinking is the hardest work there is.

* Some families considered it a scandal for their girls to be seen with a boy in public without there being a formal announcement of the relationship.

* There can be differences of opinion without there being personal differences.
There can be differences of opinion without there being personal differences.
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* Can you imagine a world without men? There'd be no crime, and lots of fat happy women.

* I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.

* I began to live as if there were no one save God and me in the world.

I believe in rules. Sure I do. If there weren't any rules, how could you break them?

* I hate to say it, but there seems to have been some sort of dumbing down as far as movies go. 

* I would be surprised if there weren't some owners who
didn't want to get a deal done right now and get back to playing hockey.

* If there were no bad people there would be no good lawyers.

* It was too early for there to be much traffic / many cars.

* If you could say it in words there would be no reason to paint it.

There's a personal me, there's an actor me and there's a star me.

* There's always been a struggle between good and evil.

* There's the job and then there's my family. There's very little time beyond that for friends.

* There is nothing safe about sex. There never will be.

* There are no desperate situations, there are only desperate people.

* There are no laws for the novel. There never have been, nor can there ever be.

* There comes a time when money doesn't matter.

There comes a time when a man and woman realize that their separate schemes can be better achieved as a conspiracy.

* There may be good, but there are no pleasant marriages.

* There might not be a tomorrow. Today is the day to express your love and admiration.

* There might not be any easy answers to the problem of poverty

* They might not be able to catch the offender. Because of this, there might not be enough evidence to charge someone with the crime.
* There used to be a time when I believed that courtship was necessary for marriage. I guess this came from the tradition in my family whereby courtship preceded marriage.

* There used to be a time when sport was all about who could run the fastest, jump the highest and score the most goals.

* There will be Haters, There will be Doubters, There will be Non-Believers, and Then there will be You, Proving them Wrong

* There would be no great men if there were no little ones.

* When there is state there can be no freedom, but when there is freedom there will be no state.

* Where there's life, there's hope.

* while there's life, there's hope.

* While there's life, there's fear.

* Without the oceans there would be no life on earth.

Why can I not go to a party whithout there being drinking an drugs? Why has all this become the norm? I believe that it has everything to do ...


Would you like there to be a revolution in this country?

* Why does there have to be an explanation? So, why does there have to be a reason for the videos? There might not be an overarching theme or theory


* For there to be betrayal, there would have to have been trust first.

* Finally, it is also important for there to be transparency and control mechanisms.

* For there to be money, there have to be specific sources of funding.

* I have repeatedly supported the need for there to be a horizontal directive.

* In order for there to be a democratic society, it is necessary to support and defend human rights.

* That is why it is necessary for there to be some guidance in relation to the state aid rules.

* Why look for public health issues where there is no reason for there to be any?


 * And me, myself personally, in order for there to be any kind of longevity, there's gotta be some history.

* Basically, I write songs. And I need for there to be a home for these songs.

*  I felt it was time for there to be a document of what we sound like now.

There be

1. there be
There are many people in the park.
There will be a football match next week.
In the last few years there have been great changes in computers.

2. there + vi
lie; live; stand; remain; exist.
There lies a railway in front of the village.
There existed all kinds of flowers and trees in the garden.
There remains nothing more to be done
):come; go; rush; rise; occur; follow; enter
There comes a red car!
There runs a river in the distance.

Suddenly there entered a woman asking for help.

There occurred a flood in my home town last month.

There took place a five-day strike.


3. There is + so/sth + doing
There are very few people living there.
There is a car waiting outside.
There is a wallet lying on the ground.

4. There is + so/sth + done
There were no trees left in or around the village.
There is a man killed in the room.

There is a boy knocked down by a bus.

5. There is +  nothing / sth (for so) + to do
There is nothing to worry about.

There are many problems to solve/to be solved.

There is nothing to be done.

There is nothing to do.

There are a lot of materials for us to read.
There are still a lot of reasons for him to be punished.

6. There is no doubt/question that
There is no question of doing sth.

There is no question that it is true.
There is no doubt that they can get the machine working very soon.

7. There is no doing sth. = it is impossible to sth.
There is no joking about it.

There's no denying (the fact that):  it is clearly true
There's no denying that he knows how to run a successful company
There is no telling what will happen / how she will react.

There's / there is no saying what might happen. (it's impossibe to know) 
There is no holding back the wheel of history.


8. There is no point in doing sth. ……use/good; harm; hurry
There is no point in arguing with him further

There is no good in arguing with the inevitable.
There is no harm in (sb’s) doing sth.=it does no harm (for sb.) to do sth.

As a woman you need to take control of your health. There's no harm in going in and getting checked out
As a woman, you need to take control of your health. There's no harm in going in and getting checked out
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9. there + vi. + to behappen, seem, continue, appear
There seems to be no doubt about it.

There happened to be nobody in the room.
There happened to be two doctors on the train.

There used to be a factory here before liberation.
There continued to be cold weather these days.

There continues to be inadequate enforcement of the rule of law on violent settlers.
He said there was going to be a concert that evening.

10. There is + Part. + to be (said; expected; believed; thought/considered; intended; found; meant).
There is said to be ... = it is said that there is ...

There are said to be a billion billion insects on the earth at any moment, 
There is/are believed to be a number of wounded on both sides.=It is believed that there are a number of wounded on both sides.
There is expected to be an exciting film next week.

There is not meant to be any unpleasantness.

a) to have a particular responsibility or duty
You were meant to keep the children out of trouble.
b) to have a particular purpose. This is sometimes used for suggesting that something does not succeed very well
It was meant to be an apology but it only made her angry.

11. there be + adj. + to be (likely, certain, sure, due, bound, apt)
There is certain to be trouble at the factory. = It is certain that there’ll be trouble at the factory.

There is sure to be some rain tonight.
There is due to be a change in the weather.


12. there to beprefer, askhate, like, mean, wantexpect, intend, consider, deny.
I expected there to be more discussion.

I don’t want there to be any misunderstanding.

I should prefer there to be no discussion of my private affairs.

They planned for there to be a family party.


13. (In order) for there to be
For there to be money, there have to be specific sources of funding. 
It is impossible for there to be nay more

For there to be no late comers was unusual.=it was unusual for there to be no late comers.

It isn’t cold enough for there to be a fact tonight, so I can leave Jim’s car out quite safely.

in order for there to be any kind of longevity, there's gotta be some history.

14. for there to be
It was too late for there to be any taxis.


15. there(not) being
There being a bus stop so near the house is a great advantage.


16. there being
He was disappointed at there being so little to do
He asked about there being another meeting.

John was relying on there being another opportunity.


17. there being
There being nobody around, he stole the book.[there being--=because there was---]
There having been no rain, the ground was dry.

There being nobody at hand, I had to do it by myself.


18. there has to be
There has to be some trouble.

There has to be some reason.

19. There is no need to do sth.
There is no need for (doing) sth.
There is no need for you to go to town.

20. can be; could be; may be; might be; will be; would be; should be; ought to be;
There must be a lot of picture-books in the room.
There can be only one answer to this question.
There might still be some bread for you.

There can be no deep disappointment where there is not deep love.
Can you imagine a world without men? There'd be no crime, and lots of fat happy women.

I felt it was time for there to be a document of what we sound like now.
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I felt it was time for there to be a document of what we sound like now.
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I felt it was time for there to be a document of what we sound like now.
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I felt it was time for there to be a document of what we sound like now.
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