ain't: slang contraction of: am not, is not, are not.  2. Nonstandard: do not; does not; did not; have not and has not.
* He ain't lazy, he just ain't got nothing to do. 
* I ain't seen it.
aintcha: Contraction of "ain't" and "ya"; means "aren't you."
Gettin' a big head, aintcha?
Aintcha gonna come inside?
Aintchu: Short word that is used in the south for "ain't you", or "are you not". It's usually used in a question.
"Why aintchu going to the party with us?"
"Aintchu that boy that slept with my sister?" 
ain't got no: a slang term that means "don't have any" when translated into proper english. very commonly used in the southern part of the U.S.
(friend)"Lend me a dollar, man"
(you)"You know i ain't got no money"
Ain't Getting On That Bus: phrase used for telling someone that you are not going to do what they are asking today, tomorrow or ever...
* - babe, get me a beer, will you? - Honey, I Ain't Getting On That Bus!
ain't done it: "Ain't done it (or dunnit)" is a Deep Southernism for "I emphatically repudiate your last allegation."
*"Who took the last beer in the fridge? Jimmy, was it you? "Ain't done it!"

ain't give a fuck: An expression to mean that one does not care, emphasized by the disregard of grammar in the statement itself.
Observe the Honey Badger, as he ain't give a fuck about nothing.
ain't goin: The act of being dogmatic about a particular situation. The act holding a firm position on a given subject and sticking to it. Not budging, not backing down, sticking to your position, not leaving, or standing firm. Originated in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in the early 2000's but has since spread to Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and mainly other Midwest areas and is starting to catch on near the east coast in areas such as Boston, Massachusetts and even Portland, Maine.
Twan: "So I hear yo' girl is making you buy her some shoes or else she won't let you have sex with her."
John: "ain't goin. I'm broke and she ain't gettin shit."
Twan: "Aye bro, I bet once dude comes in here to come beat your ass you are gunna run out that door!"
John: "I ain't goin! I'm bout to woop his ass if he tries anything."
ain't i: used when someone talks shit about you and its true. basically if they're hatin and they got a reason too you say "ain't i?"; comes from the song "aint i" by yung la ft. young dro & t.i. * hater: "damnn you look a little too sexy today". - me: "well ain't i?"
ain't it: A termed of agreement used most commonly in the Gary-Chicago area.Can be used to replace "hell yeah" and other positive affirmations. Short for "ain't it the truth"
* - This weed is the shit!  - ain't it!
Aint i awesome: exclamation that one says in which one knows they are drunk/high but still does an amazing feat such as beating another person at chess or driving home perfectly
Dude1: man u just beat me at chess i thought u were high?
Dude2: Aint i awesome?
Dude1: how the fuck are we home dude your drunk out of your mind
Dude2: Aint i Awesome? 
ain't my bitch: The same as saying "that's not my problem". Coined from the classic Metallica song off of Load.
It ain't my fall, it ain't my call
It ain't my bitch 
Ain't my shit: Not liking or not being fond of something.
Tim: Hey Bill, I'm finna go to Chipotle. You down?
* Bill: Nah man that ain't my shit. I'm boutta head to McDonald's.

finna: Abbreviation of "fixing to". Normally means "going to".
* I'm finna go da' sto! 
boutta: 1. Boutta is slang for "about to", "about ta", etc...
1. I'm boutta slap the crap outta you ya jerk-wad!
Ain't My House!!!: Phrase used to signify no risk of consequences or reprecussions. Particlarly in a party setting. Barry "Holy shit, you just smashed a hole in Evan Stone's wall."
Cadillac Joe "Hahaha, AIN'T MY HOUSE!!!" 
aintellectual: absence or complete lack of intelligence
the only word we could come up with to express the extent of the stupidity my niece's stepmother.
"j is so ridiculously dumb, she is aintellectual!"
ainteresting: Not very interesting--used somewhat sarcastically, so that the listener believes you're saying "interesting," but you're really not. Derived from "ain't interesting."
Oh, sure, I'd love to watch your three-hour slideshow about your elementary school sock puppet club. How ainteresting!

gotta: 1-Short for "got to", meaning "have to". See have gotta.  2-Short for "Have you got a".
* I gotta go now.=I have to go now.
* Gotta ciggie?=Have you got a cigarette?

gotta fly: Got to go, or got to leave
* Gotta fly, time for school! 
gottalotta: having alot of something
* yo man semester starts next week, we've gottalotta partying to do this year!
When you like a Song , Movie or an Item etc , Gotta Love It (GLI)
This song is the Best , Gotta Love It , GLI
gotta go: A term used by people when in extremely awkward or un-wanted situations. Often said at a quick pace and often accompanied by a rolling of the eyes. It is a short response which actually has paragraphs of meaning behind it. If you have "Gotta go" said to you by someone else you have probably just made a fool of yourself. Consider jumping off the next cliff you see.
Examples include, but are not limited to:
* -Bud: "Let's hang out sometime and play Teletubbies." - Jill: "Gotta go!"
Person 1: "Want to come up to my room and finish Shrek!?"
Person 2: "Gotta go."
Person 1: (Says this to someone with a boyfriend deployed to Iraq.) "Oh my gosh, I miss my boyfriend so much. I haven't seen him in 3 hours!"
Person 2: (Instead of punching person one in face) "Gotta go!" 

gotta love: A way of expressing your liking/preference for something, sometimes sarcastically.
"Did you see those pics of Paris getting out of her car?"
- "Yeah, gotta love the internet!"

"Cats, gotta luv 'em."

wanna: short for "want to"
*I wanna go home.
* Wanna get some beaver?

wanna: Short for (the question), "Do you want to?"
1. Contraction of want to: You wanna go now?;  I wanna get out of here.
2. Contraction of want a: Wanna beer?; You wanna slice of pie?
wanna B: anybody that tries to b somethin' they're NOT
Dat Gurl is a wanna b.
Wannabe: Someone who wants to be what they are not.
Poser, follower, a charlatan of sorts. One who copies or immitates all or most of the aspects dealing with their idol. They may wish to have certain clothing, skills, vocabulary, etc., of their idols instead of their own. Most likely a wannabe is lacking in self confidence and is looking for guidance.
The wannabe frequently quoted popular phrases from his favorite rock star.

 wannabeatles: Bands trying to be The Beatles.
Dude: "Man, that consert was great!"
Dude2: "Wtf, are you mental? They were friggin wannabeatles!" 
wanna be fan: Someone who is ignorant and tries to act like they know everything about a fandom, show, or anything popular when in reality they know nothing.They can be annoying, so be sure to ignore everything they say about the thing you love.
See? This is what wanna be fans usually say. The fake fans of the world.
wanna get some coffee: Getting coffee - a term that Christians use, to engage with the intention of engaging in spiritual conversation.

Reasons for engaging in spiritual conversation, would include the individual
a) thinking something is wrong
b)knowing something is wrong about you
c) hearing something wrong about you
d) hasn't talked to you in a long time so in scenario if something were wrong they would find out.
"Hey man? How you been? I've seen you in awhile at *insert church, campus ministry, or small group.*
"Yeah man, I've been busy with stuff....
"Yikes, ok Well, wanna get some coffee sometime & catch up.
whatcha:  WHATCHA means "What are/do you ..."
abreviation of "what are/do you" 
* Whatcha gonna do muthaphukin' 
* "Chill out, watcha yellin' for, lay back it's all been done before...

whatcha smokin?: whatcha thinkin?
I can't believe you drove away with the gas pump still in the tank, dude. Whatcha been smokin?
Whatcha say?: Contracted form of "what do you say?". 
* Well, instead of going out on the town tonight, how about going to my place, ordering pizza (already got the wine!) and renting a good movie? I'm kinda tired, you know. Whatcha say?

whatcha doin'?: It's a slang-y version of "What are you doing?", a question that expresses our interest in other person's recent or present actions.
* Yo nigga watcha u doin?
- Hey Beepson, whatcha doin'?
- I'm just fiddlin' around. Nothin' special. 

whatchadoing: is like what are you doing i think that what are you doing is more simple!
but whatchadoing is in a cool way...
- hey whatchadoing?
--no too much, just checking my mail
* "What are you going to do?" / "What you're going to do."
* "Alright, do you understand the plan? You know WATCHAGUNADU?"

whatcha gonna do: 1.when something surprising happens, and u know u cant stop it. 2. or when someone gets all up in ur space and u say "whatcha gonna do"they automadicly step back
Whatchagonnadonow: An extremely weird word that's made up of whatcha' gonna' do now all put together and slurred out. This word comes from a man by the name of Christopher, or Adriane the name he preferred to be called, whom lived in the city of Fresno,CA.
Adriane: Hey, whatchagonnadonow?
Me: You're weird...
watchamacallit: What you may call it. A word used to replace a word that you don't know. 
* You just push the button on the watchamacallit, then it's ready! 
* In wanting you to let him take care of that necklace—the what-you-may-call-it thing—the Cadogan collar.
Meaning "What are you talking about?" Sometimes use dwith "playa" "homie" "dawg" or "dogg" at the end. Also used with "Foo" at the beginning.
* "Foo, watcha playin' at???" 
whatcheva: anything or anyone that (pronoun)
* Man i dont care if you go there, you can do whatcheva you want. or
* -What movie do you want to see?  -I dont know, Whatcheva one you want. 
Whateva: Just nice way to say Fu*k you
* Whateva aint got sh*t on me 

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